“Excellence is the gradual result of always striving to do better” [Pat Riley].

It is an honour and privilege to be part of a process that recognises and rewards excellence in a challenging environment.  Within the Early Childhood Development field, there is no time for mediocrity and through our training and mentorship programmes, we have seen pre-school educators and principals grow, develop and be truly empowered. The challenges these educators face are often extreme. but their commitment and dedication to ensure all children have access to quality ECD programmes is what sets them apart. 

Thank you each and every one of you – whether award-winners or not – for facing the challenges with grace and optimism.  In the words of award recipient Zukiswa Mabumbulu:
“Masikhule has given me wings and now I can fly”. 

We appreciate all our supporters and wish you all a blessed festive season.

Léanne Keet



With Anjo du Preez, Karen Bufé, Jeanine Andro, Sandy Immelman, Else de Jong, Léanne Lind Keet, Coreen Vlok,​ Rachille Morison and Amanda Bangani.


Thanks to Anton and the staff of Sage & Thyme for hosting us.



On Wednesday 27th November 2019 we celebrated our Masikhule TOP 5 AWARDS 2019 at Sage & Thyme along with the Early Childhood Development (ECD) principals and educators receiving awards, and some of our partners and donors. This annual event is held to recognize excellence in ECD in a challenging environment – rewarding those who have gone above and beyond during the year. 

We thank the donors and sponsors that make our work possible – we are looking forward to a full programme in 2020!

We are appealing to businesses and organisations who also believe that ECD is essential in breaking the cycle of poverty to support us, as funding is essential for us to continue with this work that uplifts and upskills hundreds of women every year – who go on to educate and nurture thousands of children over their careers.
Please contact for more information or click here:

Congratulations go to these women for the following awards:

Most Promising Newcomer 2019

The Golden Sunbeams Trophy –
awarded to Dorothy Masunda of Little Stars Pre-school in Zola.

Best ECD Program Implementation 2019

The Hoepfl Family Trophy – 
was awarded to Zimkita Nkani of Lwandle Baptist Kids in Lwandle.

Best ECD Management 2019

The CHEAFRICA Trophy –
was awarded to Naomi Malebo of Great Beginning Pre-school in Asanda Village.

Educator of Excellence 2019

The Erinvale Eagles Trophy –
was awarded to Lizelda Christiaan of Incredibles Playschool, Eerste River.


Best Implementation of Teaching Enrichment Workshops 2019

The Jordaan Family Trophy –
was awarded to SMaryka Plaatjies of Maryka’s Educare, Eerste River.


ECD Educators of Excellence certificates

ECD Educators of Excellence Certificates –
was awarded to Melisa Buys and Allison Buys of Nuwe Begin Educare in Gustrouw, Strand.

In addition, two young educators were also acknowledged and presented with certificates for outstanding work through the year.


A Special Thank You

A special thank you to Anthony – our “right hand man”! Always ready to help with a smile.


An amazing group of inspirational women!

Congratulations to all for a fabulous 2019!


Masikhule makes a positive contribution to the upliftment of communities through skills training, mentorship and capacity building in the field of Early Childhood Development.

The name Masikhule means
‘Let us Grow’ in isiXhosa.
NPO no: 050-955 | PBO no: 930025514

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