“At our recent strategy meeting the Masikhule team discussed our strengths and weaknesses as an organisation, the challenges we face and the opportunities that present themselves on a daily basis. We all agreed that we will remain steadfast in our vision to play our part in building a better society, and are very motivated to pursue our objectives for 2018.

We are always mindful of the fact that we cannot work in isolation and we are very grateful for the many partnerships, however big or small, which ensure that women in our community feel empowered, and that young children receive the educational foundation they deserve. In Nelson Mandela’s words: “We all know that education, more than anything else, improves our chances of a building better lives.”

We look forward to a strong 2018 and to having you continue your journey with us! Best wishes to all from Masikhule.”

Léanne Keet, Founder

Our Team

With Coreen VlokElse de JongSandy ImmelmanLulama Ntulini,
Karen Bufé, Siyanda Bond Mtshotana, Léanne Lind Keet and Jeanine Andro at
The Farmhouse.

The Masikhule End of Year function for 2017 celebrated those ECD Centres that really excelled during the year, despite their challenging environments.  The Principals and teachers embraced the Masikhule training and mentorship, and are shining examples to their colleagues and communities.

Best planning and consistent application of an ECD program

awarded to De Hoop Dagsorg, Simonsig
(Nadia Kamies Trophy)

“The De Hoop Staff deserve this trophy for their team work and for ensuring that, throughout the year, they consistently had an interesting ECD program running in the centre” says Else de Jong, their Masikhule Mentor. “The teachers made excellent use of the Masikhule Teacher Resource Library and used the material provided to make wonderfully child-friendly and creative Theme Tables, as well as adding value to their lessons. Their planning is always up-to-date with interesting activities planned for the children, thus ensuring a solid and varied ECD program.”

Thank you Danelle, Carol, Susan, Wilhelmina, Jo-Anne and Genine for a job well done this year! You deserve your Trophy!”

Best implementation of Masikhule Nutrition Program

awarded to Kingdom Kids Educare
(Bernd Holtkamp Trophy)

Karen Bufé, their Masikhule Mentor, is thrilled Kingdom Kids received this award. “It was with great eagerness that Zelna Etson, the Principal and cook at Kingdom Kids attended the Best Nutrition training earlier this year. Since then she has been consistently implementing her newly-acquired skills to provide the children with nutritious meals within the limited budget available. Fresh vegetables from the Centre’s food garden allow the children to have a ‘soil to table’ eating experience.”

Zelna added “This has not only changed my way of cooking, but also my attitude towards the importance of proper nutrition in the early years”.

Best use of Teacher Resource Library

awarded to Bridgepark Educare
(Maarten de Jong Trophy)

Bridgepark is the deserving winner of this Award for 2017 says Jeanine Andro – the Teacher Resource Library Project Manager.

The Bridgepark staff, and especially the Principal Magdalena Booysen, have been visiting the Masikhule Library regularly throughout the year.  They have consistently made full use of the theme bags and the educational resources to maximise the learning experience of all the children at Bridgepark.  All library items were always handled with respect and returned on time.  Masikhule is proud to have Bridgepark as a Library member!

Consistent excellence in management of an ECD Centre

awarded to Lofland Educare
(Masikhule Advisory Board Trophy)

June Endley, the Principal of Lofland, has remained consistently committed in her integrated approach to managing a sustainable ECD Centre. Great effort has been invested in making her teaching team strong and productive, and her passion and creativity is evident in every aspect her work.

Lulu Ntulini, her Masikhule Mentor, says it is always a pleasure to visit June – the children are always productively busy, their work is beautifully displayed and everything is up-to-date.

Most promising newcomer

awarded to Step-by-Step Educare
(Vlok Family Trophy)

Even though this ECD Centre only begun their journey with Masikhule earlier this year, they have taken great strides in reaching their fullest potential. Thobela Msengana, the Principal, has attended the Masikhule Advanced ECD Training Course, the Masikhule Best Nutrition Workshop, as well as the Masikhule Business Management Course.

Thobela found the courses extremely useful and said after the Business Management Course that she is no longer “the boss” of her Centre, she is now “the leader!”.

We look forward to watching her and her ECD Centre continue to grow and develop.

Belinda Daniels of The Ark Christian School and Charmaine Green of Lambs Educare

Received Certificates of Recognition for Insightful Implementation of the Teacher Enrichment Workshop Program.

Brak en Jan Pre-school

With their well-deserved Certificate of Recognition for Professional Attitude and Growth.






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